My New Home

Today I moved into my new internet home on the Blogger platform. I've had numerous blogs running in the past, covering a wide range of subjects, but this is where I'll be hanging my hat for all further postings. So now the fun stuff - The Island of Ted is still undergoing minor editing and is slated for release on Amazon in mid-January. If you don't want to buy my book but you found this page by searching for islands - here is a pic to satisfy you:

Many of you know this project began as a screenplay. It took me about six weeks to write the script and about eighteen months to finish the novel. Needless to say, writing books is much, much harder. They require more work, more editing, more everything. Whereas screenplays are written in terse fashion, normally topping out at 110 pages, novels are an entirely different beast. But, in many ways, it's a more satisfying endeavor. When writing a movie script, the budget is always a concern. This places certain constraints on the writer's creativity. The Island of Ted is, at the very low end, a 20 million dollar movie. However, it costs almost nothing to put the same story into book form. And speaking of book form, here are some shots of my proof copies: