Book Campaign!

I got a $100 Google AdWords coupon in the mail the other day so I signed up for an account. So far I've had nearly 12,000 impressions (meaning, that's how many times the ad for my book has loaded when people search) and only 10 clicks resulting from it. My friend told me to drop my daily allowance on AdWords from $25 to $8. I also added a few more keywords. This whole thing is a big experiment to see if the program works for selling eBooks on the Kindle, which is my main priority as an author right now.

The above banner will also run on KindleBoards (the #1 site for Kindle owners) on February 18 and 23rd. I picked those dates because Friday and Wednesday are the top days for book buyers. I assume the reason is that most people get their paychecks on those days. The banner will run for one full day on each date, and each ad costs $40. I've also solicited (and still am) book bloggers who would be willing to read and review my book. Without a huge marketing team behind the book, it's going to take word-of-mouth to get it going. I can pay a couple of bills with what I made last month on Amazon, so my goal is to cover a few more bills.