Looming Projects on the Horizon

For all of you anxiously awaiting news on my next book (by which I mean, "Hi Mom") it's actually going to be a series. I'm currently finishing up book one of a 3-book novella series titled "The Lamp." It is not, as you suspect, a collection on interior design. This series will fall into the realm of urban fantasy with a splash of mystery, a dash of suspense, and a tablespoon of humor. Oddly enough, that's also the recipe for my new organic chocolate truffles.

This is a pretty dark series so I've considered publishing it under a pen name so as to not confuse the living daylights out of those coming from The Island of Ted. Anyone care to recommend a good pen name? I was thinking of something very professional and serious-sounding, like Spud McJunkens. Thoughts?

Speaking of The Island of Ted, a few people have asked me how many copies I've sold since I'm not doing any advertising whatsoever and just leave the book to Amazon algorithms to make the pitch to prospective buyers. With that system in place, I've had 653 sales on Amazon (EDIT 12/29/11: over 4,000 thanks to December) and a smattering of sales on other outlets like Barnes and Noble. That doesn't sound like much (because it's not) but you have to figure that literally no work has gone into the book since the editor handed it back to me in January. I have no idea how people even find the book since I have no money to run ads.

While sales have been paltry, I'm encouraged by the fact that if I hadn't pulled the trigger and released the book, no one would have read it. Now there are over six-hundred people that have read some sappy love story I wrote for my wife. The new book will no doubt bring a different crowd into the mix but I welcome them with open arms. So it might be a long, long while before I'm selling millions of copies like indie authors such as John Locke and Amanda Hocking, but I'm happy with my small base of readers. I'm thankful for each and every one of them.