Working Hard

I want to apologize (to my 3 or 4 readers!) for the lack of recent updates to the blog. I've been working hard on three different writing projects. Lately I've been doing all my writing early in the day, usually at the local library, and end up not eating until around 3pm. I would not have suggested writing in a fasted state prior to my experiment with doing it over the past week. I find that writing with no food in my system (and thus no energy being borrowed for digestion) is actually a profitable endeavor. I guess the adage is true: you never know until you try!

I use the notepad on my phone to track my progress from day to day, with the minimum goal being 2,000 words per session.  Using the phone tracking system has worked wonders for keeping me focused. I don't know if any writers follow my blog, but try it. Doing this sort of performance tracking might be useful for other vocations as well. Having a nebulous goal (like writing a book) is next to useless. I've made the most progress by tracking my word count each day and making sure I don't stop until I hit the desired count. Since going into the writing profession fulltime, I treat it like a regular day job. I get up, have my coffee, and head off for the "office." Then I work, taking breaks as needed, until I meet my daily goals. I think the more prolific writers carry that same mindset.