Official Book Launch

So my second novel was released for the Kindle today. The $3.99 ebook is exclusive to Amazon but you can read it on any device with the free kindle app. The print version (paperback only) will be widely available in a week or so. It will be under ten bucks. 

Why should you plop down 4 bucks for my book? Although technically a mystery thriller, it's primarily a character drama about three lost souls trying to find their way back from tragedy into a normal life. Unfortunately, this search for normalcy takes place during the tumult and chaos of a major political uprising. 

The Lamp is a quick, fast-paced read without the usual filler and padding you find in some commercial novels within this genre. It will keep you guessing throughout with unexpected twists and turns. But most of all, I think you'll fall in love with these characters. It was a sad experience for me to finish the book because I'd been on this journey with them for so long and I didn't want to let them go. 

Just so you know, if you buy the ebook from Amazon, you can then "gift" a free copy to someone else. It's a great way to share the book with someone else who may not want to spend money on an author they don't know yet.

I want to thank my readers (whether you're reading The Island of Ted or The Lamp) because you are the reason I do this. Lord knows it isn't for the fame and fortune! My goal is to not waste your time. I want to take you on an imaginative ride; especially for those who've lost hope and need a good uplifting tale to carry you through. My books tackle deep emotional and spiritual issues, without the usual patronizing you find in books with a message. I write about the human condition, and through my fiction I offer hope instead of nihilism, which is so common today. 

The goal of my writing is to offer my readers a more positive outlook on life, but I want to do so without side-stepping the pains and tragedies we wade through. We don't live in a utopia that's all rainbows and butterflies, and such stories don't offer anything of value to those who are hurting. We want to read about others who, like ourselves, are faced with tremendous adversity and watch how they deal with it. Fiction can sometimes be more instructive than self-help books for this very reason.

As I forward in the book: May you find strength as we journey through this life together.