Some News

To raise money for my son Andrew's adoption expenses (and to finally bring him home from the Philippines) I will be selling autographed copies of my books. There's a new tab at the top of the screen that will take you to that page, or you can click here. All proceeds from these book sales will go toward paying our adoption expenses and will be added to our total funds on Andrew's GoFundMe page.

As many of you know, I hold a full time job in the healthcare industry and write novels when time allows (and even when it doesn't). And while it's nice to get a royalty check every month that can cover a few bills, the reason I write is because there are readers. Last year, I gave away around 50,000 copies of my books for free on Amazon. That may not be fiscally responsible, but as long as folks are reading, I will continue writing. That's what matters to me. After all, I earn far more money at my day job than I do as a scribe. If it wasn't for my readers (some of whom are quite vocal!) I wouldn't be able to pursue this journey at all.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: You matter.