Falling Embers Update

I know that some of my six fans have been (im)patiently waiting for news on the Falling Embers release. The good news is, there are only three chapters left to write and then it's off to the editors. The books typically go through a few rounds of editing (one beta, a copy-edit and several proofreads) before it's fit for release to the general  public. So while I don't have a firm date right now, Falling Embers should be available in late July on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks and a few other places.

Also related to the Lamp Series, I'm going to be unveiling some new artwork for the release of the 800-page omnibus edition (hopefully due out sometime in August). We are commissioning an artist to do anime-style character drawings that will be included in that edition. I'm also toying with the idea of doing a unique comic book related to the series (but only if there's enough interest, because that's a crazy amount of work to pull off). Feel free to e-mail me if you have any interest in seeing that project come to life.